Hanwha Madex 2023
지속 가능한 기술로 인류와 지구의 미래를 생각하는 기업, 한화에어로스페이스의 Madex 2023을 위한 리튬이온 전지체계 홍보영상을 진행하였습니다. 베이그는 국제해양방위산업전의 테마를 담아낸 해양 이미지와 함께 잠수함용 리튬이온전지의 우수성을 전달하는 영상을 개발하였습니다.
A company envisioning the future of humanity and the Earth with sustainable technology, Hanwha Aerospace Co., Ltd., has produced a promotional video for the lithium-ion battery system for Madex 2023. Along with marine imagery capturing the theme of the International Maritime Defense Industry Exhibition, VEIG has developed a video that conveys the excellence of lithium-ion batteries for submarines.
A company envisioning the future of humanity and the Earth with sustainable technology, Hanwha Aerospace Co., Ltd., has produced a promotional video for the lithium-ion battery system for Madex 2023. Along with marine imagery capturing the theme of the International Maritime Defense Industry Exhibition, VEIG has developed a video that conveys the excellence of lithium-ion batteries for submarines.
Client Hanwha Areospace
Year Produced 2023
Promotion Movie
Year Produced 2023
Promotion Movie
